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How do you Learn Web Scraping: Top web Scraping Books

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How do you learn about web scraping all by yourself? This should not worry you. Many books could help you learn more about it. Most importantly, you must have an interest in web scraping field so as to understand everything.

Below check out a list of books that will equip you with everything you need to know about web scraping.

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python by Al Sweigart

The book teaches the basics of Python programming. The book guides how to use Python to make programs that are meant to do the tedious work for you.

At the beginning of the chapter, it teaches the basics of Python language, and in the later chapters, it teaches how to use the language when web scraping. This is an excellent book as it uses one stone to kill two birds and it is highly recommended to beginners.

Web Scraping With Python by Richard Lawson

The book is highly recommended to persons with knowledge and basics of Python language. It introduces concepts gradually, starting with the basics to the most complicated concepts.

Webbots, Spiders, And Screen Scrapers By Michael Shrenk

This book written by Michael Shrenk is very popular. It teaches you how to interpret data that you pull from websites. It also teaches you about online activities like how to automate purchases and bids.

The language used in the book is exceptionally simple and highly recommended to new learners of web scraping.

Instant PHP Web Scraping By Jacob Ward

This is an excellent book and can get you prepared with the basics of web scraping. It is written in a brief format that targets in delivering instant results. It teaches you to scrape and save extracted data from any website with ease.

The book only has 48 pages progressing from simple basics to advanced topics. This is one of the simplest books to use when you want to learn about web scraping.

Guide to Web Scraping With PHP by Matthew Turland

This book written by Matthew Turland gives an overview of ways to scrap the web. It outlines the simple and the complex ways of doing it.

The book is only good if used as an introductory book for PHP scraping. It is not recommended to people with knowledge of web scraping since it only gives introductory knowledge.

Instant Web Scraping With Java By Ryan Mitchell

The book contains simple scraping procedures using Java. It is an excellent reference book for web scrapers. The book focuses on instant web scraping using Java. It is recommended for beginners who do not know much about Java but are willing to learn. All the information in the book is explained step by step.

A piece of advice, no single book contains all the information about web scraping. You need to review several books to get detailed information. Also make use of the information from fellow web scraping experts found online.