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How to Test Proxies from a CSV / Text File

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Testing proxies from a CSV file can be a useful task for various applications such as web scraping, network testing, or ensuring the reliability of your proxy list. Below are two Python code samples that demonstrate how to test proxies from a CSV file.

Sample 1: Basic Proxy Testing

This sample reads a list of proxies from a CSV file and tests each one by attempting to connect to a specified URL.


Sample 2: Advanced Proxy Testing with Threading

This sample uses threading to test proxies concurrently, which can significantly speed up the process for large lists of proxies.


These samples assume that your CSV file ( proxies.csv) contains a list of proxies, with each proxy on a new line. You can modify the URL and other parameters as needed for your specific use case.

Remember to install the requests library if you haven’t already:


By using these scripts, you can efficiently test the functionality of your proxies and ensure they are working as expected.