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Magento Web Scraper

We develop Magento web scrapers and Magento crawlers: product sku, price, quantity, name, description, images, features, variants will be extracted and Magento products data will be saved to Excel, CSV, XML or JSON or you can access fresh data via API. You can order here at MyDataProvider Magento web scraper / crawler for your site: we support custom tasks where we cover all your requirements. Magento web scraper allows you to do Magento data extraction from source site. You can order Magento web scraper here and we will develop a Magento for your case.

Magento products web scraper

It allows you to export the next Magento products fields:
- Categories,
- Name,
- Price, SalePrice, OldPrice, Discount,
- Quantity/Stocks/Availability,
- Dimensions: L x W x H, and Weight,
- Description,
- Images ,
- Url.

Magento crawler

Magento crawler allows you to extract all product urls form a source site.
There are 3 methods how to extract products urls via Magento crawler:
1. source site categories.
2. source site search box by your list of inputs strings (aka keywords).
3. via sitemap.xml parser.

All of these 3 methods allows you to export all Magento products through Magento crawler.

Export all source site categories via Magento crawler

You can get list of categories from Magento source site, so you will not need to copy categories, it will be done automatically.
Export file formats: CSV / EXCEL / JSON / XML
Direct import to shop database: get more info...
Magento Features extraction
Magento products features will be scraped and save to file or Magento database.
You do not need to copy/fill Magento features manually, Magento web scraper will do that work for you automatically and will save a lot of hours of work.
Magento products variants scraping
Allows you to get products Colors/ Sizes and all related options for scraped Magento product. Our Magento web scraper can export Magento products variants correctly.
Magento product variants will be save in a structured file or database for the future processing by our Magento web scraper.

There are 2 meaning for Magento web scraping.

1. Magento web scraping is a process of products export from external site powered by Magento CMS engine.
2. Magento web scraping is a process when site powered by Magento CMS engine scrapes data from any external site and save data into local Magento products database.

"RUNNER" Web Scraping service for Magento

Our company provides web scraping service via "RUNNER" software.
You can order Magento web scraping for your source site or for any other website (we call it source site).

Send us the site URL you want to scrape and details about how you are going to export data, and we will estimate your task.
Contact us....

Categories scraping for Magento

Categories hierarchy can be scraped if you need. Categories name & URLs data can be saved into file.

Products basic info for Magento

Name, ID, SKU, Price, Description, Images scraping for Magento

Features extraction for Magento

Table of features will be scraped for Magento

Variants / Options export for Magento

Product variants scraping for Magento