MyDataProvider » Blog » Price optimization – how we do that using our web scraping and repricing tools

Price optimization – how we do that using our web scraping and repricing tools

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We have price optimization function in our software ( .

Today I want to tell you more about that.

For starting price optimization project you need to collect competitors prices.

How to collect competitors prices?

We do that via our web scraping solution :

This service allows you to scrape data from source site (s) periodically (common case daily or hourly)

Import all competitors prices into psqqq

it is easy to do because psqqq has support for data import from mydataprovider.

Create suppliers feeds at psqqq

it is easy if you have suppliers feeds with actual prices and stocks

psqqq imports data from csv excel xml even from API (via custom scripts)

Define repricing formulas for price optimization function

It will allow you to define the best price for your products,

If competitor exits now for your product – we will try to define best price

If no – we will set max margin for product.

You can define different formulas based on brand,category, price range, currency, shipping etc.

If you need implementation for your business – contact us.